Microsft Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 Online Training

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    UPDATED: April 1, 2021
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    This Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 training covers how to use Microsoft Azure data services to work with cloud-based data, whether relational or non-relational, in different workloads. This Data Fundamentals training prepares you for Microsoft's Azure Data Fundamentals certification by explaining relational and non-relational data, different data workloads and the core concepts of data in the cloud.

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    What you'll learn

    • Naming and understanding the core concepts of digitized data
    • Describing the difference between working with relational and non-relational data
    • Thinking and working with analytics workloads on Azure
    • Using Microsoft Azure's tools and resources for managing and analyzing data


    What will you learn in this Azure data administration fundamentals training?

    This course is the first step for most data professionals on their way to a career working with data in the cloud, specifically the Azure cloud. You'll learn the fundamentals of working with data in Azure: core concepts and terminology, using relational & non-relational data in Azure and what Azure analytics workloads are.

    Who should take this DP-900 Microsoft Azure data fundamentals course?

    Like the name suggests, this is a data fundamentals course and it's specifically tailored for IT professionals just getting started with Azure. So if you've got experience manipulating data in other clouds, this course could get you up to speed with Azure. Or you can get started with data administration with this course.

    Is this training in fundamental data administration associated with any certifications?

    Yes, in addition to covering the basics of data administration and data engineering, this course is also specifically designed to match the learning objectives of DP-900, the certification exam for Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals. The Azure Data Fundamentals certification is part entry-level data administration and part understanding and navigating what makes Azure unique.

    What certification should you consider after taking this course in basic data engineering?

    The Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals certification is the cert you should aim for after completing this course. You'll learn a lot of data administration and data management basics in this course, fundamentals that could apply to other certifications from providers like AWS or Oracle, but the Azure Data Fundamentals is ideal for beginners.

    Why should you take this Microsoft Azure DP-900 data fundamentals training?

    The reason to take this data fundamentals training is pretty simple: it's hard to imagine a career in data administration or data engineering that doesn't include Microsoft Azure at some point. If you want to use big data or any cloud, make sure you know exactly how to do it with this course.

    Who is this for?

    This DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals training is considered specialist-level Microsoft training, which means it was designed for cloud administrators. This Azure databases skills course is valuable for new IT professionals with at least a year of experience with data structures and storage and experienced cloud administrators looking to validate their Microsoft skills.


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    • Practice exams help you have an overview of your readiness. If you have failed a couple questions in one area, you can go back and work on them.

      Harold M. | Network Administrator
    Study plan

    Download the free (DP-900) study plan to complete this course in about 9 hours.

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